
How I Download Videos From Facebook To PC Without Software

I download videos from Facebook to my PC without using software. In fact, the original quality of the Facebook videos are intact after downloading them to my computer. I use two tricks for downloading the Facebook videos and that's what I will be sharing with you in this blog post.

Method 1

Find the video you want to download -- then click on it to play it.

Right click on it while it's playing and click "show video URL"

show video url facebook

A small pop-up window should appear, with the video URL. Use CTRL C to copy the URL

Use CTRL V to paste the video URL in your browser address bar

Modify the video URL, changing the "www" at the beginning of the URL to "m" (i.e "https://www" to "https://m") and press Enter.

For instance, if the URL of the video is :


So I replace the https://www with "m", like this:


Now after you hit "Enter" on your keyboard, you will see the mobile view, which fills the whole screen, like this:

Now all you need to do is play the video, right click on it and choose the "Save video as" option as seen above.

You will then see the MP4 option. Choose a name for the file and save to your computer.

It's that simple.

Method 2 

This will let you download Facebook video in HD i.e video quality remains intact.

Go to http://www.video-fb.com/

video fb

Paste your video URL in the box and click "Get Link"

fb video

Click "download' and save the Facebook video to your PC

That's all.

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