007Names Domain Transfer To Namecheap : The Steps
007Names.com is one of the domain name registrar and web hosting companies that I've been using for so many years even before domainking and garanntor launched in Nigeria. Recently, I transfer my domain name from 007names.com to Namcheap.com and here are the steps involved :
After payment is successful, you will receive an email from Namecheap to confirm the transfer. Open the email and click on the link in the email to confirm the transfer.
Then chill for the transfer to be completed.
Once completed, ensure you change the domain name nameservers if you were using a custom nameserver before you initiated the transfer.
NB : If you receive an email from 007names during the transfer process, ignore it so the transfer can be completed.
- Sign in to 007names.com.
- Navigate to "Domains" > "Manage Domains".
- Click on "Manage Domain" tab next to the domain name you want to transfer.
- Click on "Domain Lock' and unlock it.
- Click on "Domain Privacy" and ensure it is not enabled.
- Click "Get Authorization Code" and note down the code. You will need it at Namecheap.
- Proceed to Namecheap.com.
- Sign in and click on "Transfer".
- Enter the domain name you want to transfer.
- If eligible, enter the authorization code you copied from 007names.com and click on the buy icon.
- Click "View Cart", confirm the order and Pay.
After payment is successful, you will receive an email from Namecheap to confirm the transfer. Open the email and click on the link in the email to confirm the transfer.
Then chill for the transfer to be completed.
Once completed, ensure you change the domain name nameservers if you were using a custom nameserver before you initiated the transfer.
NB : If you receive an email from 007names during the transfer process, ignore it so the transfer can be completed.
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